Safer travel in our minibuses

CT Passenger continued to provide a number of services during the Covid-19 pandemic. The services that we have carried on with have supported the most vulnerable, ensuring that patients have been able to get to their dialysis treatment, children can get to school, and distributing much needed shopping and emergency food packs to the most vulnerable. Throughout this period we have been stringent in following the strict social distancing measures laid out by government.

The government has recently published guidance for people needing to travel on public transport, although CT's Passenger services are booked in advance for known groups, we encourage our passengers to follow this guidance:

Updated 30th November 2021

What CT Passenger is doing to keep people safe

Please follow the above guidance when travelling with us.

CT is carrying out enhanced cleaning regimes on our vehicles and has put in place social distancing measures, including minimising direct contact with passengers. Where feasible, some of our minibuses have been fitted with safety screens behind the driver.


Face coverings on public transport

The Government has removed the rule making it compulsory for passengers to wear a face covering on public transport. CT asks that all minibus passengers wear a face covering/mask unless they have a medical condition which makes this difficult or is a risk to their health. This is for your own safety, the safety of other passengers and your driver.

We are also strongly advising our minibus drivers to wear the masks provided when assisting passengers on and off vehicles and whilst passengers are travelling.

Please do not travel with us if you are showing any of these symptoms 

If you are travelling with us:

  • Please follow our instructions, minibuses might have floor markings, seats removed or marked off with tape or signage. Only sit in seats as instructed; sit in the window seat, leaving the seats in front and behind you empty and don't sit directly behind the driver. Only one person can sit in a double seat, unless you’re with a member of your household.
  • Wear a face covering if you can. It’s an added level of safety for you, your fellow passengers and our drivers.
  • Please carry hand sanitiser and use it at start, during and at the end of your journey.

CT has also put in place a working environment assessment and plan for each work site/service to set out the social distancing measures needed.

If you have any questions please get in touch with your local CT Passenger office and speak to one of our friendly team